Sunday, October 14, 2018

Still here.....

Hey all,

Well it's been a bit of a rollercoaster these last six months. Long story short, a health issue that I thought was stress related turned out to be a congenital heart defect. One surgery later and a couple months recovery and hopefully things will be back to normal.

One good thing about medical leave, I got a TON of projects done! I'll be posting quite a bit of new stuff soon.

Saturday, January 27, 2018

A little later than I anticipated....

But the first post of the new year!
New models, new art and more are coming soon. I've also made some updates to the automotive art page and will be adding new stuff to the model gallery very soon. I've built a lightbox for shooting pictures and have much better photos to show.

It's been a busy January....I've already had my first vendor booth event, and landed two commissions the same week that I will be starting in the next few days. Work work work.

More to come soon!