Sometimes I find a cool image that I just want to put my own spin on, or it's just an image I find enjoyable. I do a lot of sci-fi and comic fan art just for fun, and it helps me keep my skills sharp or provides a different image to experiment with technique. I have a portfolio of various characters that I work on in my spare time. Not many of them are finished....I usually only get to work on them when traveling or on vacation...I consider them my "fun portfolio". Some of these pieces have since been completed, and I will update the images once I have pictures taken.
I must point out that I do not own copyrights to any of these characters, I made them purely for my own enjoyment and they are NOT FOR SALE. All copyrights are property of the original creators.
Started this acrylic piece to show a potential client that I could duplicate a photograph. Didn't get the job | though. |